Surfing Balance – How To Improve Your Surfing Balance

Surfers need to have a high degree of surfing balance to remain on a surfboard while riding a dynamic surf wave. Beginners will mostly have a low level of surfing balance skills, which will eventuate in less time standing, which can slow a beginner surfers progress.

Surfers need to acquire dynamic balance over a moving surface (surf wave). So, how do surfers learn surfing balance?

Surfing balance is improved through repetition. Science article ”These findings suggest the repetition of particular movements relative to stance may induce specific adaptations in surfers.” Which means that if beginner surfer can practice surfing on land, we will be able to increase our repetition and practice out stance.

As a whole surfing balance can be improved by repetitive practice on correct surfing stance. Repetitive practice on correct foot positioning on the surfboard and surfing stance. Surfing balance will be improved by riding a longboard (skateboard) on land, while practicing foot positioning and stance repetitively.

If you want some more in depth information about surfing balance training strategies, please read on.

Why Balance Is Important In Surfing? (Surfing Balance)

When I first started surfing as a grommet surfer, the amount of time I had actually standing on the surfboard was only a fraction of the time spent doing every other aspect of surfing (paddling, duckdiving, waiting for waves etc).

My ability to balance on a wave reduced my ability to improve my surfing level. Balance and coordination is a valuable skill to have as a surfer, or you will fall off your surfboard. This can reduce the enjoyment you feel which can lead to you quitting surfing altogether.

This lack of actual surfing time while standing on a surfboard made it difficult for me to acquire the amount of practice required for me to improve my surfing. So over time, surfers have developed ways you can practice your actual surfing stand up

Surfing balance is the ability to maintain your center of gravity while riding a surfboard on a dynamic wave. Surfers need to maintain dynamic balance and stability through correct foot positioning and body movement over a moving surface. This is surfing balance.

Stance Affects Balance In Surfers (Surfing Balance)

  • Bend your knees at all time while surfing
  • Both feet should be planted on the spine of your surfboard
  • Make sure your feet are not too far apart
  • Surfers use their arms to help balance, watch them and try mimic what they do
  • Your back foot does most of the work, it’s used for steering the surfboard
  • Your front foot is mostly for surfing balance under dynamic conditions

Practicing a proper surfing stance will keep you standing on the surfboard for longer periods of time. This will give a surfer more time to make turns and maneuvers.

Surfers often have different styles, when you start to get good at surfing you’ll develop your own style too. Don’t just think about it as balancing, think about having a cool style that looks good. By thinking this way early, later on, you’ll have a cool style to be proud of.

Make sure that you bend your knees at all times when standing on the surfboard, your bent knees will take the shock of any unpredictable movement from the wave. People call this ”dynamic balance”.

Remember to focus more on your back foot when surfing, this is the foot that will take most of the pressure and it’s where your power comes from.

How Do Surfers Maintain Balance? (Surfing Balance)

  • Surfing stance practice
  • Surfing foot-work practice
  • Dynamic surfing balance training
  • Planks (core strength for surfing balance)
  • Burpees (core strength for surfing balance)
  • Sit-ups (core strength for surfing balance)
  • Balance on one leg (switch legs)
  • Longboard balance training (skateboard surfing balance training)
  • Tightrope balance training (Surfing balance)

Surfing requires a high level of dynamic balance for a surfer to stay upright on a moving surfboard. The above list are designed to maintain a high level of surfing balance as a training regiment for experienced surfers.

If you are getting into surfing, I recommend you take a few of these training methods on as your own.

Does Surfing Need Coordination? (Surfing Balance)

Good surfers have developed a high degree of coordination in surfing. Surfers who are coordinated have three advantages, they generate more speed, have more power in their turns cutbacks etc and have a style of their own that looks cool.

However, don’t worry if you have little coordination now, this can be learned through repetitive practice and correct training. I recommend you read most of the learn to surf blog posts on this website, so that you get the right information from a real surfer.

Coordination in surfing goes hand in hand. A surfer who is uncoorinated will always struggle to stay on the wave long enough to enjoy surfing waves to it’s fullest. Good surfers also have a style of their own, this requires a high degree of coordination to make surfing look cool.

Easiest Surfboard For Balance (Surfing Balance)

The easiest type fo surfboards to balance on, which means you are less likely to fall off, are malibu surfboards and mini mal surfboards. These types of surfboards are larger, and more stable, which is perfect for a beginner surfer.

A thicker surfboard is easier to paddle onto waves, this takes less effort by the surfer. Because of the sheer size of a Malibu surfboard, it can catch smaller waves, which also makes surfing easier for beginners.

The only downside to catching waves with large malibu surfboards is it’s slightly more difficult to get the surfboard through the waves. Duckdiving is far more difficult and turning a bigger surfboard while riding wave is more difficult or just slower.

Oh, and malibu’s and mini meals are more expensive than other types of surfboards.

Apart from the downsides, malibu surfboards and mini malibu surfboards are the best type of surfboard to buy if you are a beginner surfer, starting to learn.