Surf Hair: How To Look Like A Surfer

The best way to look like a surfer and have surf hair, is by simply becoming a surfer. This will require you to spend many hours in salt water, over a long period of time. Over time your hair will look like a surfer. Otherwise, you can cheat by paying a hairdresser to give your hair the touselled look.

What Is Surf Hair Called?

Surf hair can be called ‘tousled’. It usually looks purposefully disheveled and messy so it looks like the surfer has a hairstyle as if they always came out of the water.

The reason why this hairstyle is so common among surfers is that they almost achieve it naturally.

Spending a lot of time in salt water and under the scorching sun already puts them a step ahead of having the tousled look.

On another hand, surf hair doesn’t require a lot of work to achieve and then maintain.

You don’t have to go to get a haircut as much since surf hair is also characterized as long and you don’t need to have a very long hair care routine with a lot of products.

Surfer body: Check out this post on how to get the surfers body.

Is Surfer Hair Attractive?

Surfer Hair is very Attractive for its carefree feel. Both men and women with surfer’s hair are seen as healthy, outgoing people, which is very attractive to the opposite gender.

The general answer would be yes. Many people feel attracted to surfers and that’s mainly because of their appearance.

Whether you are a man or a woman people often find long hair an attractive asset.

Coincidently both men surfers and women surfers prefer to let their hair grow since their main priority is to hit the waves and not be on top of their hair maintenance.

The other reason why surfers like to wear their hair long is that the lifestyle they like and chose to live is more relaxed, so the people they hang out with and the places they go to are more relaxed as well, and don’t require people to always dress formally.

Another feature of a surfer’s hair is the color it gets. Because of the salt water and the long exposure to the sun, the hair tends to lighten, starting from the ends and unevenly.

This gives surfers’ hair very attractive natural highlights that can be heightened with the right products.

Surfing fitness: Here’s the ultimate list on how to get surfing fit.

How Should I Wear My Hair While Surfing?

Any sport is known to do some damage to the hair and water sports are the ones that do the most damage.

Surfing is no exception since you will most likely be soaking your hair in salt water which will dry it greatly.

While you can still rock a surfer’s hair, there are some things you can do to avoid excess damage. But this has a catch.

Your first thought might be to use a protective hairstyle where you tie it in some way, but you should avoid doing this.

You will want to avoid getting your hair too tangled while you are in the water, and believe it or not, letting it loose will help you with that.

By letting your hair loose you will avoid ripping pieces of it with hair ties for example.

Another thing that could help protect your hair besides wearing it loose is by soaking it in a conditioner or a similar product before going in the water.

Hair can absorb much of the first liquid it gets into contact with so it would be beneficial to create a barrier with a product that can improve its health, unlike saltwater.

Lose weight by surfing: Here’s a comprehensive list on how to lose weight by surfing.

Does Surfing Damage My Hair?

Surfing will Damage Most peoples Hair. Dry touselled hair comes from the harsh conditions in the ocean, combined with sun damage. Your hair will inevitably suffer some damage. Usually, surfing takes place in salt water, which to begin with, will do more damage than fresh water.

By leaving your hair soaked in the ocean, the salt in it will be absorbed into your hair more or less, depending on how dry your hair naturally is, and make it even drier.

Consequently, when your hair gets dry it becomes more vulnerable to breakage and loss of shine. Another factor is the long sun exposure that is associated with surfing.

Not only will it put your skin under stress, but it will also do the same thing to your hair.

Yes, your hair will gain nice natural-looking highlights, but you need to remember that the lighter your hair is, the weaker it can become, and the more care you will have to give it.

You also need to remember that maintaining a healthy diet can be very beneficial for your hair too, so make sure you pack healthy snacks and meals when you plan on spending the day on the beach.

How Does Surfing Create Surf Hair?

Surf hair occurs naturally mostly from surfing regularly. It is characterized by being wavy and/or curly, with highlights, thick, and relatively long. All of this can be achieved by being exposed to saltwater and the sun rays and then letting it dry so it can assume its natural texture.

It can help scrunch the hair with your hands to accentuate its natural waves and curls if you desire to have that perfect surfer’s hair.

Letting your hair grow will complete the look.

Surfers prioritize spending quality time in places near beaches and can adopt a more relaxed lifestyle that doesn’t include going to get your hair done many times or a complex haircare routine.

Usually, surfers prefer to keep their hair as natural as possible because they are constantly getting it wet, which is also why they avoid using too much product on their hair.

How Do Surfers Wash Their Hair?

The perfect hair-washing routine for surfers actually starts before the day you wash it. Because your hair suffers a lot of damage from being exposed to the elements during the hours you surf, it became too fragile and in need of constant repair treatment.

Oils can help you a lot in doing this. If you usually wash your hair in the mornings, you should massage your scalp with oils and soak the ends as well the night before.

If you wash your hair at night, it would be ideal to do this oil treatment at least two hours before washing your hair.

When it comes to washing the hair, it’s best to use a gentle shampoo with low sulfate levels, since your hair has already been exposed too much to make it dry.

Afterward, it’s essential that you apply a conditioner or a hair mask that is highly hydrating to restore the good condition of your hair.

Avoid drying your hair with heat tools, which will not only save your hair from more damage but it will help you maintain the surfer hair look.