Surfing Tips For Beginners: From A Real Surfer

Below is a comprehensive list on what a beginner surfer should know:

Learn To Paddle on a Surfboard

When learning how to paddle on a surfboard, start out by using a short board. A short board is about 4 feet long and is good for beginners who want to learn how to paddleboard without getting hurt.

If you have never tried standing on a surfboard before, then you should use a short board until you feel comfortable.

Once you feel confident enough, you can move up to a longer board. Longboards are about 6-8 feet long and are best for experienced paddlers.

Before you get started surfing, make sure you know where the waves are coming from. If you don’t know what direction the waves are coming from, you won’t be able to paddle towards them. Look at the shoreline and try to find the waves that are coming from that direction.

To begin paddling, place both hands on the paddle. Put your left hand on top of your right hand, and keep your elbows close to your body.

Your arms should be bent slightly. Lean forward, keeping your weight balanced between your legs and your arms. Paddle slowly and steadily, straightening your arms as you go.

As you gain experience, you will notice that you need to lean farther back each time you paddle. This will help you maintain balance and control over the board.

Try paddling different distances. For example, if you are going down a river, you may only need to paddle halfway across the river. Experiment with different speeds and distances to see which works best for you.

Use your knees to push off the water when turning or stopping. This will allow you to turn faster and stop more quickly.

Try doing a front flip. If you succeed, you will look really cool! And try jumping on your board. Jumping will increase your speed and give you extra momentum.

If you fall off your board, just get back on again. Don’t worry, falling off isn’t dangerous.

Stay calm and paddle back to the spot where you fell off. Then, once you reach there, get back on the board.

Surfing Pop-Up Tips for Beginners

Here is s list of the best tips in order on how to pop-up while surfing:

  1. Paddle perpendicular to the wave
  2. Paddle powerfully and evenly
  3. When you feel the wave push your surfboard, put your palms flat
  4. Look around, keep good situational awareness
  5. Stand up fast (pop-up fast)
  6. Plant your feet correctly
  7. Keep your knees bent
  8. Focus on having a good surfing style
  9. Avoid nose-diving
  10. Maintain speed through to the bottom turn

Duckdiving on a Surfboard

How to Duck Dive. The first step to learning how to duck dive is to learn how to float. To do this, you need to get yourself out of the water and onto land.

If you’re floating on top of the water, you’re not going to be able to duck dive effectively. Once you have gotten out of the water, you need to lay down flat on your back. You should be lying face down, with your head at the bottom of the board.

Your legs should be straight and your arms should be crossed over your chest. This position will allow you to use your body weight to propel yourself forward and upward.

When to Duck Dive. You want to duck dive while the waves are small. This way, you won’t fall off the board. Also, if you duck dive when the waves are big, you might find it difficult to get back on the surfboard.

What to Do While You Duck Dive. When you duck dive, you want to stay calm. Don’t panic! Instead, keep your eyes open and focus on the horizon. Look at the sky or look at the beach. Try to relax and breathe slowly.

Why Should You Duck Dive? There are two reasons why you would want to duck dive. The first is to catch some air. If you don’t catch any air, then you won’t be able to move fast enough to avoid getting hit by the wave.

The second reason is to avoid being knocked off your board. If you aren’t holding onto anything, you could be sent flying through the air.

Practice Duck Diving. Once you know how to float, you can start practicing duck diving. Start by standing up and walking along the shoreline.

As soon as you feel a wave coming toward you, duck dive so you can catch some air. After you’ve caught some air, stand back up and walk again. Repeat this process until you feel comfortable doing it on your own.

Surfing Beginner Mistakes

Not getting enough sleep. Sleep is an essential part of our lives. We need at least seven hours of sleep each night to function optimally, recover from exercise and have a good mood. If you’re not sleeping well, you could feel tired throughout the day.

Lack of sleep can cause irritability, poor concentration, headaches, and depression. When you’re trying to learn something new, you’ll get distracted if you don’t get enough rest.

Using the wrong equipment. You need to use the right equipment if you want to achieve success. You should always invest in quality tools that will last you a long time.

The best way to do this is to buy them second-hand. Look online for deals and check out eBay, Craigslist, and local classified ads.

Trying to go it alone. Don’t try to learn everything yourself. Ask questions, seek advice, and look for someone who’s experienced. You could find a mentor or join a club to help you progress.

Being lazy. If you’re going to spend any amount of money on learning something new, make sure you put some effort in. Don’t expect instant results – it takes practice to master anything.

Not practicing what you’ve learned. It’s easy to forget things after a while, so take notes, record videos, create flashcards, or set up a schedule to review what you’ve learned.

Overthinking. When you start thinking about something, it’s easier to get stuck than when you’re just doing it. So keep your mind open and enjoy the process.

Getting discouraged easily. As you learn more, you might encounter challenges along the way. Be patient with yourself and stick with it.

Basic Surfing Equipment For Beginner Surfers


Surfboards are the best way to get started if you want to learn how to surf. You don’t need any special equipment to start surfing – just a board and some wax.

If you’re looking for something a little bigger, you might want to consider getting a longboard instead of a shortboard. Longboards are generally longer than shortboards, making them easier to maneuver and control.


Wax is what makes your board slippery. There are different types of waxes out there, each with its own unique qualities. When choosing wax, think about how much grip you want your board to have.

Many people go for soft wax, which is excellent for beginner surfers because it’s softer and less likely to damage your fins.

Once you’ve mastered the art of riding waves, you can move on to harder waxes. Harder waxes provide more grip and are more durable, but they’re not recommended for beginners.


A fin is a piece of plastic that sticks out from the bottom of your surfboard. Fins help stabilize your board while you ride, making it easier to turn and stop.

Most boards come with three fins, although some high-end models come with four. Fins are inexpensive, so you’ll probably replace them often.

Board Bag

You should always carry your board bag with you when you go surfing. In case your board gets damaged or stolen, you won’t lose your entire set!

Keep your bag close at hand when you’re walking around and put it in your car before you leave.


Wetsuits are worn over your regular clothes when you go surfing. They keep you warm by trapping water between you and the ocean.

Wetsuits are made of neoprene (a type of rubber) and are available in various thicknesses. Make sure you buy a wetsuit that fits well and is thick enough.


Booties are optional but highly recommended. Booties keep sand out of your shoes and protect your feet from sharp objects.


Sunglasses are another must-have item. Not only do sunglasses block harmful UV rays, but they also look good.

Surfing Items Needed For Surfers

Surfboard. A surfboard is a perfect size for beginners who want to learn how to surf. A surfboard is long enough to allow you to catch waves without getting stuck in them, yet short enough to maneuver around obstacles.

Wetsuit. Wetsuits are necessary if you plan on surfing in cold water. If you’re planning on surfing in warmer waters, then a rash guard is sufficient.

Helmet. Helmets protect your head from injury while riding a skateboard. Helmets should always be worn whenever you’re skating.

Board shorts. Board shorts are ideal for surfing because they provide protection from the sun and wind.

T-shirt. T-shirts are comfortable and versatile. They can be worn alone or under a wetsuit.

Shoes. Shoes are necessary for surfing because they help keep your feet dry and prevent blisters.

How To Find a Surf Spot For Beginners

Surf Forecast. A surf forecast provides information about upcoming weather conditions and waves at certain locations on the surface of the water. You can find one at any local surfing shop or online. You’ll need to know what type of wave you’re looking for and where you want to go surfing.

Check Your Local Weather Channel. It’s important to check your local weather channel before heading out into the ocean. The best time to check the weather is early morning or late evening. You should avoid going surfing if inclement weather is expected.

Look Up Current Surf Conditions. Look up current conditions (like wind speeds and direction) for popular surfing spots. If you have to look up something, don’t do it while driving!

Ask Friends What’s The Surf Like. Ask your friends who they recommend for a good surfer spot near you. If you live in Southern California, ask people who spend their summers there. If you live in Oregon, ask locals who visit often.

Check The Surf Conditions Online. Visit websites online that provide surf forecasts, current conditions, tide charts, and weather reports. You can even get real-time live surf conditions.

Follow the Surfing Crowd. If lots of people are going surfing, chances are it will be a good day. But if not many people show up, it could mean that the swell is really small right now. So take your pick, just make sure it’s not too dangerous.

Be Patient. Just because you’ve been waiting for perfect conditions for days doesn’t mean you won’t ever get them. Sometimes you just have to wait until the tide changes or the wind picks up. So keep checking back, and when you finally get a break, enjoy yourself!

Best Surfboard For Beginner Surfers

5’8 Roxy Pro Surfboard

This board is perfect for beginners who want to learn how to surf. It features a lightweight construction and a concave shape that helps riders get their feet down and ride waves. It’s great for small waves and for learning tricks.

 6’0 Starboard

The Starboard is a stable beginner-to-intermediate wave board that’s ideal for beginners who want to start surfing. It’s a longboard with a wide nose and a concave tail that gives it stability while riding waves.

 7’6 Starboard

If you’re looking for a longer board, then look no further than the Starboard. It’s a massive, stable, and super fun board that can handle anything the ocean throws at it.

 8’6 Starboard Air

The Starboard Air is a huge, stable, and super fast freestyle-style board that’s designed to help beginners get comfortable with surfing on bigger waves. It’s perfect for intermediate surfers who want to progress to bigger waves.

 9’6 Starboard Freestyle

For those who want a board that’s even larger and faster, check out the Starboard Free Style. It’s a really forgiving, fun, and stable board that’s designed to make advanced surfers feel more comfortable.

10’6 Starboard VX

This board is designed for high performance and heavy rail progression. It’s a longboarding-specific longboard with a wider nose and deeper concavity. It’s great for intermediate and experienced surfers who want to go big.

11’6 Starboard XC

This is a shortboard-specific version of the Starboard VX. It’s a lighter, shorter, and more maneuverable version of the Starboard. It works well for smaller surfers who don’t need the extra height of the Starboard Vx.

How To Wax A Surfboard

Waxing Tools

Waxing tools consist of wax, brushes, and containers. You need at least two different types of brushes; one for applying wax and one for buffing. You should have a container for storing excess wax after use.

Wax Preparation

You need to prepare the wax before using it. Start by melting the wax in a double boiler. Once melted, add beeswax and stir until completely combined. If you want to make your own wax mixture, you can mix together equal parts of paraffin wax and carnauba wax.


Apply the wax to the board using the brush that was designated for application. Apply the wax in thin layers, starting at the center of the board and working towards the edges.

Use circular motions to apply the wax. After each layer, let the board sit for about 15 minutes before moving on to the next step.


After waxing, you need to buff the board. Using the same brush used to apply the wax, buff the surface of the board. Continue buffing in small circles until the desired shine is achieved.


Use soap and water to clean off any leftover wax residue. Let the board dry completely before riding or storing.